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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ introducing Antidisassemblage!

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Posted: 12 Jan 2005
16:36 GMT
Total Posts: 2
I am making a new programming language and compiler for it; I am nearly finished, but I am having a little trouble with assembly stuff for expressions, and I am looking for some help.
see my yahoo group for more info on the project:

email me if you have any interest at all (, or send me an IM (CrazyProgrammer). ALSO, once it is done, the language needs to be developed through include files and stuff that will need to be made (using the language itself), and my yahoo group is all ready for such a group of people to develop it; if you think you will be interested when it is done, yuo can talk to me and join my group.

Hopefully this should be a very revolutionary thing; people will write all kinds of assembly programs from a high-level OOP C++/Java/Basic/Assembly mix of a language (more high-level liek C++ and java, some interchangable Basic syntax, and assembly can be integrated, but is meant to be used in the background).

(code compiles for any or all z80 TI-Calc platforms :-) )

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