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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Memory

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Posted: 20 Feb 2005
23:22 GMT
Total Posts: 10
My ti-89ti says it has 2.5MB of flash Rom memory and 188KB of Ram. I put bomberman on it and i want to put this other games on it that called texas fighters and i think its about 50k, but when i try and put all the files on is says that i have no more memory. So i guess i have a few questions:
1. Whats the difference between flash and ram in respect of calculators?
2. How do i use the flash memroy to store games/programs on it?
3. How do i find out how much memory i have left on the calculator?
Tim McMahon
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
00:39 GMT
Total Posts: 5
1. ROM - used to store APPs and Archived programs, FlashROM - used to store temp APP variables (i think, same as ROM but different sector?), RAM - random access memory - used by calculator variables you create and unarchived programs.
2. I think the simplest way to store games/programs in ROM is to archive it. ASM and basic programs need to be unarchived on z80, maybe the same as 89ti or it automaticly does it. Either way you just swap the game/program between ROM and RAM to use it and the RAM to ROM to archive it leaving plenty of space in RAM.
3. [2nd]+[Mem] wherever that is, might have 'Mem' in yellow text or whatever font color the 89ti has. It displays all the memory info (required).
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
02:09 GMT
Total Posts: 321
Tim is that a pic of you?
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
08:44 GMT
Total Posts: 10
How do i swap from Ram to ROM. I looked and theres two fuctions that say "Archive Variable" and "Unarchive Variable" do i use them or is it something else?
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
09:48 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
If you use your VAR-Link manager, (To find it, look for that on the keyboard), and you can see what vars are archived and not, and from there you can archive them as well.
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
10:06 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Archive memory and Flash ROM are the same thing, so yes, using the "Archive" function is what you want to do. You don't usually want to store programs in the RAM because a) there's limited room and the 68k's (TI-89 and up) can run programs from the Archive and b) The RAM is easily reset by a bug in the program.
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
10:14 GMT
Total Posts: 10
Still how do i copy from RAM to ROM.

[Edited by mondan on 21-Feb-05 19:14]
Posted: 21 Feb 2005
10:16 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
[2nd] + [6] to get to var-link menu, check all the programs you want to archive by pressing [f4] while next to them, then press [f1] then [8] and they will be archived.

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