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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ ti-84 + silver problems

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Posted: 3 Apr 2005
13:47 GMT
Total Posts: 10
ok my calc lost all its mem and has now been running slow and takes long doing such problems as 2+2 it would take 3 minitues to let the number 2 to show up!!!
when i take my batteries out says all mem cleared and then freezes
i took my batteries for about a week was going good till i turned it off then when i turned it on it was running slow again plz help me
TI Freak
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
14:03 GMT
Total Posts:

what programs/games/flash apps do you have loaded on the calc?
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
14:07 GMT
Total Posts: 10
nothing its all deleted
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
14:47 GMT
Total Posts:

That's just weird. I would probably do a few more resets, and if that doesn't work, contact TI.
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
17:57 GMT
Total Posts: 465
When you took out the batteries, did you also take out the little backup battery?
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
20:50 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Here's what you do:
Take out all 4 AAA alkaline batteries and the lithium battery (phillips head screwdriver required) and let it sit on it's face for about 6 hours (allows for power to drain out totally and reset all memory). Then put the batteries back in and press on. If you still have problems, put a new OS on your calc, preferrably version 1.18, the newest. If all else fails, take TI-freak's advice and demand (but nicely :) ) a refund from TI.
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
23:27 GMT
Total Posts: 939
This doesn't really have any baring on the situation, but there's no way that "let[ting] it sit on it's face for about 6 hours" will lead to "allow[ing] for power to drain out totally and reset all memory"... Removing *one* AAA and the lithium for about a minute should be all you need to do. The calculator only draws power from the AAA's from the ends of the series, not in the middle, so just taking one out would work just fine.

(At least, that's what would make sense, and how I've noticed it to work.)
Posted: 4 Apr 2005
01:13 GMT
Total Posts: 321
I have actually seen this.

My 86 froze up hard core from some asm programs. My friend who also has an 86 told me to take out all 5 batteries and leave set it sit for 10 to 20 minutes. I did just that and it came back on and worked beautifully.

However before I tried that, I did try removign all 5 batteries, but al the max only let it sit 30 seconds or so. So time does play some factor, however I think 6 hours might be a little much.

As far as what I would do, try your best getting it back up working, it all fails just inform TI of pretty much what you told us, and within warrenty time or not they will replace it. They are billionaires and and very generous in replacing broken calculators. Here's the email if you need it
Posted: 4 Apr 2005
04:13 GMT
Total Posts: 10
thanx guys ill try these ideas
TI Freak
Posted: 4 Apr 2005
06:06 GMT
Total Posts:

Yes, they are generous. They gave me an 89 HW2 to replace the HW1, and never asked for the old one back...

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