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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ TI Connect?

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Posted: 15 Sep 2005
16:17 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Won't recignize my TI-84+.
Plese Help!!
Posted: 15 Sep 2005
16:34 GMT
Total Posts: 507
Please visit our FAQ page Here

homemade FAQ link... straight to the visual one :P

[Edited by alex10819 on 16-Sep-05 01:36]

Posted: 15 Sep 2005
16:46 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
That's not a FAQ, that's a tutorial, but whatever.
Posted: 15 Sep 2005
16:53 GMT
Total Posts: 2
No that didn't help Heres what happens I try to "Explor my calc then it goes under this menu and sraches for my calc on COM1 port or something and that the ownly port it has?
But it can't find it!
Posted: 15 Sep 2005
17:54 GMT
Total Posts: 6
On most computers, Explorer will search for your ports, and come up (when correctly installed) COM1 (your serial port) and USB (your USB calculator connection). I know you probabally have tried this allready, but unplug and re-connect your caculator and PC from the USB cable. If that doesn't work, right click "My computer" select properties, click the hardware tab, and open device manager. Expand the "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" tree. Off the top of my head, i'm not sure, but I believe the calculator is listed as "TI Educational Handheld Device", or something to that effect. Make sure there is not a yellow excamation point next to it. If there is one, thenn it is a driver issue, and I would recommend resinstalling TIDeviceExplorer. If your calculator doesn't show up under device manager, you may have a bad cable. Try the driver thing first, and let me know how it goes. Good luck -Matt

[Edited by SimbaTLK1 on 16-Sep-05 02:55]

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