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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Andy is a[n] idiot

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Posted: 2 Nov 2005
14:35 GMT
Total Posts: 8
Look, you German company manufacturing ball bearings, im trying to downloand games from the computer to my calculator. I downloaded games onto a file, installed TI connect from the disk that came with my 84 silver edition plus, connected my USB cable into the computer and my calculator, the calculator was turned on, and the damn TI connect still didnt recognize my calculator even though i followed all the steps and my connection settings were all perfect~!!!
Posted: 2 Nov 2005
15:08 GMT
Total Posts: 939
uhh....... what?

Closing for now, will at the very least have the topic edited, maybe even further reprecussions. If you'd like to elaborate what you're going on about -- I don't recall saying anything that would make anyone go off, my simple answer last time WAS the obvious answer to the situation (most people DON'T follow directions and when they were asked if they did they say they did follow them, so I was going in the most common case).

If you have a beef with a forum member, ESPECIALLY STAFF, don't bring it up on the public forums, use private means instead.

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