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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Defragmenting memory

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Posted: 8 Nov 2005
19:37 GMT
Total Posts: 2
So here's the question...

I've been doing a lot of stuff with programs and shells, and in trying to creat some space, have essentially deleted all apps and programs off the calculator. Fortunatly, I had backed up my stuff, so I can restore it all, but all this deleting and reloading (I've probably restored it 4 times), the memory is getting rather fragmented. How would I defragment it?

And also, how would I reset the RAM and/or ARC memory?

Thanks in advance

~Peasent, the calculator nubly
Posted: 8 Nov 2005
20:02 GMT
Total Posts: 939
Uhhh, it does it automatically...

You don't have to explicitly reset the memory if you've deleted everything, but if you really want to, that's what 7:Reset... is for on the MEM menu.
Ray Kremer
Posted: 10 Nov 2005
13:43 GMT
Total Posts: 310
I believe "GarbageCollect" is in the catalog, but Andy's right, it does it automatically when it needs to.

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