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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ RPG

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Posted: 14 Dec 2005
13:04 GMT
Total Posts: 38
I have recetly made a game (or help make a game) with coffman runner (who frequently posts) and i was wondering if anyone at all was interested in testing it it has been reduced from 24 files to i belive 11 and it playes very smooth. it is an RPGish style and i think it is very fun i play it my self...
Posted: 14 Dec 2005
13:25 GMT
Total Posts: 235
ok This link will take you to download our RPG please give some fead back ect. i know there are bugs but have been working for a while on fixing them but i can't play the whole game (every aspect) so i need people to help there also i put in a small "cheat" if you press the m button while in map mode then you will get 50 more money and comments/suggestions please post here! I will update it (or at least try to) every day and i will post the new stuff here with the changes i made! There is no walkthough but there is one ON the calc in the game thanks for your time!

Ps: I am happy to host avatars or calc games/projects while you are working on them! (for free)

[Edited by CoffmanRunner on 14-Dec-05 22:26]

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 14 Dec 2005
16:09 GMT
Total Posts: 38
Thank u josh, remember, this is a beta version and there is the posibility that there are some bugs, if u find any at all please let either of us know
My e-mail is:

and ?'s feel free to e-mail me. if u have sugestion those would help to, especially on how to make the game better...
Posted: 14 Dec 2005
16:22 GMT
Total Posts:

Huh, it's pretty decent. Although, I couldn't figure out how to quit and save...
Posted: 14 Dec 2005
16:26 GMT
Total Posts: 38
sorry Josh (AKA coffman runner) should have put that into the begining(hem hem... i told u so...) To quit press on...(sorry no artificial quit yet) and it saves as u go (last i cheacked that wasn't working though, so we'll have to wait for josh to post) was there anything else tht gave u prblems???
Posted: 14 Dec 2005
17:07 GMT
Total Posts: 235
Thank you Jc and yes i haven't add the quit yet and it saves as you go but ya not a "perfect save" you alway show up in the town but all your stats are the same and the monsters health and stats need to be fixed! but once again thanks Jc!*starts save prgm :)*

Edit:Ok i finished the exit and save program and as soon as i get home (i'm at school right now) i will reupload it to my PC and then i will post here (or edit) when it is ready for download

Edit2: Ok Here is the *new* version in this version i have set the program to save and exit (it will ask you if you want to quit) if your pust MODE, DEL, or CLEAR have fun

[Edited by CoffmanRunner on 15-Dec-05 21:37]

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 16 Dec 2005
15:39 GMT
Total Posts: 38
there is a new website TI-LUR

Edit by Jc: Fixed the link. The http:// is the most important part!

[Edited by JcCorp on 17-Dec-05 13:04]

Posted: 16 Dec 2005
19:18 GMT
Total Posts: 235
Once again a release prior to my wishes has beenmade alas along with this a wrong link had been submitted. the real one is productions Web Site

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
04:06 GMT
Total Posts:

I deleted the double post for you. And that's not a bad site, but it took a while to load.
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
05:14 GMT
Total Posts: 235
thank you Jc yea i think i am going to pull the menu picture and make it smaller it is really annimated and i waondered if that would slow it down i guess it ded :P *look's for new menu picture*

Never gonna let you down...
TI Freak
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
05:51 GMT
Total Posts:

added your site to my pending list, that can be seen at:

It might take a lil while to make it on the actual site... :(
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
08:32 GMT
Total Posts: 235
Thank you TI freak i understand that only took me like 30min to do so far i have a lot to do

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
11:23 GMT
Total Posts: 97
nice site. Has a lot of potential to become something impressive. My site ( would be impressive too, if only I could get the images to show up correctly on my forum. I'm actually considering purchasing vBulliten. I have the money (finally) and a credit-card to purchase it with........But I'm not sure if it's worth all that it costs. It really over-priced, if you ask me. :)
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
12:08 GMT
Total Posts: 235
yeah i'm considering a forum but my server runs ASP so php <- my fav. won't work and my dad is hesitant to but a firum on HIS server

Never gonna let you down...

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