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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Most memorable calculator moments of 2005

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Posted: 20 Dec 2005
11:51 GMT
Total Posts: 939
I'd like to put together a special feature covering the most memorable moments of the year in the community. I'd also like to have a little bit of help with it! Please post what you think the most important thing to happen this year was (be it an event or a program being released), and a brief reason why. You may also email them to me at andyATcalcgamesDOTorg.

Note that by posting your ideas here or emailing them to me implies that you grant me permission to use your submission, your name, your handle, and/or your email address in an upcoming feature, be it front-page news, a content page, a newsletter, or any combination of the three.
Posted: 20 Dec 2005
11:58 GMT
Total Posts: 235
Emu8x beacause you can emulate the TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86 on your 83+ se, 84+, and your 84+ se so if you have a few calculators and you only want to carry on then now you can if you calc is suported!! I think it's cool only prob. is i only have 1 calc :(

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 20 Dec 2005
13:37 GMT
Total Posts: 939
Addendum: I already have several things I'm planning on mentioning already. Emu8x is one of them. gb68k is another. So is usb8x.
Posted: 20 Dec 2005
18:48 GMT
Total Posts: 235
Great minds....

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 21 Dec 2005
12:47 GMT
Total Posts:

How about the staff change on the site? I'd say that's pretty vital.
Xero Xcape
Posted: 3 Jan 2006
13:34 GMT
Total Posts: 29
Reuben Quest
MCL (for the time)

BASIC flames are for n00bs, you don't want to be a n00b do you? | My other calc is a Porsche.
Posted: 4 Jan 2006
00:37 GMT
Total Posts: 61
hmmm, well this goes back to a lot earlier in 2005, but it seems there was (finally) a sudden rush of metroid-inspired projects. Joe's been working on his for a few years, but I started mine back in march, and literally days later Kevin started on Diortem, and now it seems that there is another one as well (from XX right?)

I would also make note of Orage Studio's enormous influence in 68k C game production over the past year or two. The projects that have spawned from a group started by the guy who made Aerial Assault years ago is an impressive list (including at least one POTY winner at, in rough chronological order of some of the more influential releases:

Star Wars
Mr Worm
Synapse Accelerator
Orage Shell
Slime Ball
Orage Pack
Atomic Arena
Air Mission
and Crash Bandicoot

not to mention that I am also a member of the group, and therefore Metroid falls under the same heading ;)

[Edited by bcherry on 04-Jan-06 09:41]

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