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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ how to create a game....?

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Posted: 15 Jun 2006
18:27 GMT
Total Posts: 1
hi everyone..i'm new here (just registered today) and i would like to know how to make a game?
Posted: 16 Jun 2006
06:38 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Here is a very simple procces of learning BASIC.

BASIC's deffinition-The easist calculator langage to learn that you can program derictly on your calculator.(I just made that up but its accurate)

Step 1.
Down load a basic program on to your calculator. If I where you I would go with some thing like BlakJack.

Step 2
Go to prgm on your calc and then go to edit. Look and study the code.

Step 3
Create a new program and experment with diffrent commands. (note: your manual should have a list of all the commands and give you a breif description of what they do)

Step 4
Finish a game then upload here at CG
Creating a Game is not as easy as following a toutorial shure there are toutorials out there but you need to creat the game with your style and make it a part of who you are. If you want more help you can PM me or email at or AIM my SN is Zachary940.
Glad to help,
Zachary Redmon (Zachary940)

[Edited by Zachary940 on 16-Jun-06 15:43]

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 16 Jun 2006
12:27 GMT
Total Posts: 1189
You could also learn how to make assembly games which are generally faster and have better graphics. Mario and Phoenix are assembly games. If you want to learn assembly, just talk to me or go to There are many people there who will be all to willing to help you out.

Someone call for an exterminator?
Posted: 16 Jun 2006
16:24 GMT
Total Posts: 576
another BASIC game that is worthwhile learning how to make games through is: prgmBOREDOM
its really good for getkey
the rest is all in your imagination

Flintlock Durden says "The things you eat end up eating you"
Posted: 19 Jun 2006
12:18 GMT
Total Posts: 70
get a (demo) learn how 2 make games in 7 dayshttp://full version comming soon!

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