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Posted: 23 Aug 2006
18:05 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Alrighty. I just got a T-84+ Cal.

I have downloaded some games, and I am confused on the memory.

When you do the 'unstar' (*) thing, I see that it takes away RAM or whatever. When I put the star BY the program, does it still take away that memory that it does when there isn't a star by it?

ALSO, how do I delete games from my cal? I have NO idea. :S I have checked the FAQ and cannot find what I am looking for.

I would really appreciate your help. Thankx.

[Edit] How do I free up my RAM/Memory? I am so confused! *gonk*
Also, some games say 'ERR:UNDEFINED' or 'ERR:SYNTAX' (What can I do about this?)

[Edited by o0Kaena0o on 24-Aug-06 03:35]
TI Freak
Posted: 23 Aug 2006
19:43 GMT
Total Posts:

The asterick * tells you if the program is archived, or is stored in Flash ROM or not. If it has the *, that means it is in Archive space. Whether the program is in ROM or RAM, it still takes up 12 bytes of space in RAM, because of its name and memory location in the calculator's system.

To delete games, simply put the selector over the name, and press [DEL].

Some games will require you to run them by executing a shell. MirageOS is one of the more popular ones, though CrunchyOS is more of a simple style shell. Both these shells and more can be found by moving the mouse over the "Misc" tab at the top, then selecting "Shells" from the drop down list. Simply look in the 83+ section, as all programs for the 83+ should work on the 84+.
Posted: 24 Aug 2006
04:47 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Alright then, when I try to put like, the crunchy os or the Door CS 5.1 shell on my cal, it says 'This group file does not contain any valid files for the target device.' What exactly does this mean? And how do I fix it?

I got those two download directly off of this site to my computer. I do know how to drag and drop, but every time I do that, I get that message for those programs.

EDIT: When I 'unstar' the regular programs on my cal, all I get the the ERR:UNVARIABLE. How do I fix THAT?

[Edited by o0Kaena0o on 24-Aug-06 13:49]

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