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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ trouble with TI-89 file deleting

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Posted: 7 Nov 2006
23:10 GMT
Total Posts: 14
I recently bought a TI-89 Titanium, and it's certainly more complex than the TI-83 that it repaced. I downloaded a program from that I hoped would be useful for one of my engineering classes, but I'm a little bit puzzled as to how the TI-89 memory is organized and also how to delete said program from my calculator. The file extension is .89G, which I realized after transferring it to my calculator means that it's something like a zip file containing lots of smaller programs. When I tried to open it the first time, I was surprised that it wasn't added to the list that displays when you press the apps key; is there really no better way to open programs than to go through the VAR-LINK menu? It just seems pretty convoluted, for a newbie at least.

Also, I'm having trouble trying to delete the program completely from my calculator. It put programs in the existing "main" folder of the var-link screen, and created two new ones. When I try to delete the new folders, it gives me an error saying "Can't delete: argument must be an empty folder name." How can I get this stuff off my calc? And also, what's the difference between locking files and archiving them?

Finally, I found another program on TI's own website called ME pro that I'm now trying to put on my calculator, but I get errors saying that I don't have enough free space. It's a flash application, so does that mean I have to delete other flash applications to free enough space? That is, do flash applications have their own unique part of the memory that they occupy, or are they stored in the same "general" memory as everything else? Sorry for such a long and wordy post, but I'd appreciate any help y'all can offer!
TI Freak
Posted: 8 Nov 2006
11:52 GMT
Total Posts:

Hmm... Let me see what I can answer here...

You CAN write out the name of the file, and put the () at the end, it will accept that. Just make sure you link to it in the correct directory. But otherwise, no, the only menu that contains programs is the VAR-Link.

To delete programs, simply select it and press the "delete (<-)" button. I think it might have to be unarchived, but I can't remember. And the difference between locking files and Archiving files is that locking files should make it so a person can't simply open the program up and edit it. They just have to unlock it first. Archive sends the programs to Flash ROM. You should send all your programs to flash rom, as the calculator will run programs directly from there.

Apps reside in ROM on the 83+, I *think* it is the same for the 89. When sending to your calculator, make sure you are sending it to the archive space on your calculator. If that does not fix it, delete some non-needed programs.

I hope this helps. :)

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