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Basic Library of Commands (written in BASIC)

File Information
Name: Basic Library of Commands (written in BASIC)
Filesize: 2 kB
Downloads: 268
Date added: Aug 8, 2005
Platform: TI-83
Language: Basic
File Type: Program
Category: Library
Last modified: Aug 8, 2005
TI-83 BASIC Programs

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Author(s): Fred Sparks

File Description:  This was written as a kind of joke. See, alot of conversations about the popular CODEX and xLIB ASM libs are along the lines that BASIC programmers acually NEED these to do what they offer... so, I wrote BLIB, BLIB is a Basic LIBrary of commands, and can do alot!

some (okay ALL) of the nice features of BLIB -

-Set the dim of your graph screen
-Clear/Fill your graph screen
-Graph screen text (A space is 4 pxls wide), both normal and inverted! (W on B)
-Set up sprites
-Draw a sprite
-Draw a sprite map

There is a little bug... well... Here's what you need to do, clear ALL your strings then use the feature to set up the text for the text feature, then find out what string it's in... sorry :D

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