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Polynomial Division

File Information
Name: Polynomial Division
Filesize: 24 kB
Downloads: 755
Date added: Jul 27, 2005
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Program
Category: Math
Last modified: Dec 9, 2005
TI-83+/SE BASIC Programs
TI-84+/SE BASIC Programs

Shell: None/MirageOS
Rating: 10 (Best Download)/10 based on 1 votes.
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Author(s): BCTurk

File Description:   PolyDiv (Polynomial Divider) is a small, yet useful program that will divide any polynomial with a degree upto 5, by another polynomial in the form of Ax+B. The program does not use normal "long division", but rather uses the eaiser (and smaller and faster) synthetic division to compute the answer. In PolyDiv, you can store the input and answers in two small lists. This program is avaible in two forms, one that is smaller (in memory size), but uses 2 strings, 0-2 lists (Depending on how many of the features you use), and system varibles A-O. The larger form uses no strings, one system varible (A), and 1-3 Lists, depending on how many of the features you use.

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