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Name Generator

File Information
Name: Name Generator
Filesize: 1 kB
Downloads: 769
Date added: Jul 14, 2005
Platform: TI-83/+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: Chance
Last modified: Jul 27, 2005
TI-83 BASIC Games
TI-83+/SE BASIC Games
TI-83/+/SE BASIC Games
TI-84+/SE BASIC Games

Shell: None
Rating: 5.5 (Tolerable)/10 based on 2 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Patrick

File Description:  This is a simple game, or rather program that will generate a suitable name for your new born child. Most of these names should be used only for entertainment only. There are now 1800 different names that can be generated (If my math is correct). Please disregard the website advertised (hopefully I will soon get it posted).

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