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Stay Alive 2: Don't Die!

File Information
Name: Stay Alive 2: Don't Die!
Filesize: 2170 kB
Downloads: 571
Date added: Feb 27, 2005
Platform: Windows
Language: Other
File Type: Game
Category: Arcade
Last modified: Feb 27, 2005
Windows Games

Shell: None
Rating: 9.6 (Best Download)/10 based on 3 votes.
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Author(s): Jc, Dan

File Description:  Stay Alive 2: Don't Die! is the much improved version of its predecessor. You are some sort of monster who must fight to stay alive against a never-ending army of robots and aliens. There are sound effects, music, high scores, animated graphics, two enemy types, and even a hidden screen! Just remember: Don't Die!

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