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File Information
Name: Ratio
Filesize: 1.00 kB
Downloads: 338
Date added: Jan 4, 2005
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Program
Category: Math
Last modified: Jan 4, 2005
TI-83+/SE BASIC Programs
TI-84+/SE BASIC Programs

Shell: None
Rating: 5 (Tolerable)/10 based on 1 votes.
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Author(s): Jonathan

File Description:  Ratio 6.4 is a basic math program thats been optimized for size and loaded with features. The program is approximately 368k. It has a clean and simple interface and has two main features: * A ratio solver that will solve for unknowns and- * A logic solver that will determine if two ratios are proportionate (Congruent) If you have any suggestions on how to make this program better please feel free to email me. -J^2.

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