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Star Dust 2 v1.1

File Information
Name: Star Dust 2 v1.1
Filesize: 166 kB
Downloads: 2818
Date added: Jul 8, 2002
Platform: TI-83
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: Adventure
Last modified: Dec 6, 2002
TI-83 BASIC Games

Shell: None
Rating: 5.5 (Tolerable)/10 based on 8 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Hitoshi Koizumi

File Description:  A HUGE game for the TI-83, this contains 4 episodes of battle and a full length movie. In the game, you try to destroy your opponent's ship, using your weapons (upgradable) and shield (upgradable) to defend yourself.

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