Name: | Formulas |
File: | |
Filesize: | 4.6 kB |
Downloads: | 2675 |
Date added: | Nov 7, 2004
Platform: | TI-83+/SE |
Language: | Basic |
File Type: | Program |
Category: | Math |
Last modified: | Nov 7, 2004
TI-83+/SE BASIC Programs TI-84+/SE BASIC Programs
| Shell: | None |
Rating: | 4.8 (Tolerable)/10 based on 6 votes. |
Rate this file: |
File Website: | There is no website dedicated to this title. |
Author(s): | Brad Arms |
File Description: | This is a basic math formulas program. It includes formulas from geometry, algebra, trig, and calculas. It works like a tree. the main FORMULAS program is the hub from which the different math type programs branch. all in all there are 5 programs. all of which are included FORMULAS, GEOMETRY, ALGEBRA, TRIG, and CALC. DO NOT DELETE THE MAIN "FORMULAS" PROGRAM. you can however delete any of the others and not mess things up. |