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zDoom 0.12

File Information
Name: zDoom 0.12
Filesize: 71 kB
Downloads: 38385
Date added: Oct 29, 2004
Platform: TI-83/+/SE
Language: Assembly
File Type: Game
Category: FPS
Last modified: Sep 14, 2007
TI-83 Assembly Games
TI-83+/SE Assembly Games
TI-83/+/SE Assembly Games
TI-84+/SE Assembly Games

Shell: Venus/ION/MirageOS
Rating: 7.4 (Good)/10 based on 51 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Guillaume Hoffmann, Alexis Guinamard, Raphaël Siryani

File Description:  zDoom (formerly Doom83) is an adaptation of Doom on TI-83(+)/84+. It features enemy AI and a decent challenge.



Of 6 people, 4 found this review helpful.
Review by: Batman11525 Reviewed on: March 18, 2006 at 22:41:13 AM
Graphics/Interface: 9/10 Ok their just lines but for a calculater thats pretty good.
Playability/Usability: 10/10 No glitches which is great and can play over and over again.
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 8/10
Controls/Interface: 10/10 Simple up foword down back, left left and right is rigth how easy is that?
Overall Value: 9/10
This is my personal favorite calcgame and is the best firstperson shooter i have found fo my calc. Its kinda big but who cares its worth it. Play it a few times and you will be addicted. Kinda hard to get what to do but when you do it is amazingly fun. Check it out.

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