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ExciteBike 68k v0.64

File Information
Name: ExciteBike 68k v0.64
Filesize: 335.2 kB
Downloads: 8649
Date added: Jun 4, 2004
Platform: 68k
Language: Assembly
File Type: Game
Category: Racing
Last modified: Jun 4, 2004
68k Assembly Games
Voyage 200 Assembly Games
TI-89 Assembly Games
TI-92+ Assembly Games

Shell: None
Rating: 6.9 (Above Average)/10 based on 19 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Travis Fischer

File Description:  This game is a clone of the well-known NES Excitebike dirtbike racing game. Race to achieve records and unlock secrets while avoiding hazardous terrain and catching air on a variety of jumps. Features include Two-Player link races, gameplay/tracks identical to the original, built-in Track Editor, ability to perform flips, French and German versions included, well structured C source code included, Runs Fast and Smooth on HW1 and HW2 68k Calcs, and the graphics are awesome. The game will run on all 68k calcs, including the Ti-89 Titanium.

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Of 1 person, 1 found this review helpful.
Review by: LHoT10820 Reviewed on: August 27, 2006 at 03:05:27 PM
Graphics/Interface: 7/10 Nice, looks just like excitebike on a B&W tv!
Playability/Usability: 6/10
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 7/10 Like the NES, just backwards!
Controls/Interface: 8/10
Overall Value: 7/10 A great clone! One of the best I've played
Well, first off, I can't install this game in english, so somethings messed up there. I sent the files in the 'English folder" and it installed in french! So, that took away from the playability. other than that, everything went just great! It had seamless game play. That's pretty much it! I'd reccomend this game to those who love old school.

Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: Olf Reviewed on: October 12, 2006 at 15:23:43 PM
Graphics/Interface: 10/10 good
Playability/Usability: 10/10 good
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 10/10 good
Controls/Interface: 10/10 good
Overall Value: 10/10 good
Its very super

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