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File Information
Name: MINE3
Filesize: 4 kB
Downloads: 263
Date added: Apr 26, 2007
Platform: TI-83/+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: Puzzle
Last modified: Apr 26, 2007
TI-83 BASIC Games
TI-83+/SE BASIC Games
TI-83/+/SE BASIC Games
TI-84+/SE BASIC Games

Shell: None
Rating: 0/10 based on 0 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Martin Danelljan

File Description:  MINE3 is an advanced minesweeper game. You have to open all slots except the ones that contain mines. If you open a slot with a mine you will lose.

MINE3 has many advanced features:
You are able to create levels with various shapes and sizes.
You can shape the levels in different rectangular shapes as long as each screen contains 15x9 slots.
The levels can have between 135 and 1215 slots! That is up to 45x27 slots or 9 screens!
You will choose how large part of the slots that will be mines.
The game has an “automatic zero printer” that automatically opens the slots around a zero.
You can mark slots with a flag if you think it is a mine.
If the first slot you open is a mine a flag will appear instead (you can not lose the first thing you do).
There time counter allows you to see how fast you can finish the levels.
You can pause your game while running (pauses the time counter).
You are able to save you progress and continue next time you play the game.


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