Name: | Nibbles 1.0 |
File: | |
Filesize: | 14 kB |
Downloads: | 3042 |
Date added: | Mar 17, 2007
Platform: | TI-83+/SE |
Language: | Assembly |
File Type: | Game |
Category: | Arcade |
Last modified: | Mar 17, 2007
TI-83+/SE Assembly Games TI-84+/SE Assembly Games
| Shell: | |
Rating: | 9 (Best Download)/10 based on 3 votes. |
Rate this file: |
File Website: | There is no website dedicated to this title. |
Author(s): | KrYpT |
File Description: | A nibbles/snake game that supports, but does not require, external level sets. It comes with a level editor for creating and editing level sets. There are 5 different speeds and 10 standard levels. |