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Alex Glanville's Money Manager v1.8.4

File Information
Name: Alex Glanville's Money Manager v1.8.4
Filesize: 52 kB
Downloads: 388
Date added: Sep 4, 2006
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Program
Category: Finance
Last modified: Oct 9, 2006
TI-83+/SE BASIC Programs
TI-84+/SE BASIC Programs

Shell: None
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Author(s): Alex Glanville

File Description:  00% Graphical. Stores all your pocket money in a convienent location. It can even gaurd against theft! No, not literally, but technically. Heres how:

The program stores each currency value in a seperate element. making a more detailed count of money. Like most Money Managers, they just ask how much your deducting or adding. Alex Glanville's Money Manager takes it one step further. By using the same exact process, and same exact code segment, Alex Glanville's Money Manger add's/subtract's dimes, nickels, 1 dollar coins, 50$ bills, with ease.

This version doesn't include a breakdown of money, but future version will. The only break down is when your adding or subtracting currency. See screens (sorry they're so small)

v1.8.4 - If you have v1.8.3, no need to redownload, though it is recomended. Small uodate.

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