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Ground Zero: Final Mission

File Information
Name: Ground Zero: Final Mission
File: Ground
Filesize: 598 kB
Downloads: 1023
Date added: May 30, 2006
Platform: Windows
Language: Other
File Type: Project
Last modified: Jul 2, 2006
Windows Projects

Shell: .NET framework
Rating: 10 (Best Download)/10 based on 1 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Janck

File Description:  You can get the .NET Framework here:

Ground Zero: Final Mission is a vertical scrolling space shooter written in Visual Basic.
It currently has:
Powerups that temporarily upgrade your ship
A super-powerful attack for each Form
3 weapons systems to choose from
Configurable "photon" systems
Dialogue (though not much of it at the moment)
Two-player support
19 levels and 8 bosses, and I'm planning to add more.

ss     ss


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