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Vufen v0.8.2.75

File Information
Name: Vufen v0.8.2.75
Filesize: 31 kB
Downloads: 337
Date added: May 11, 2006
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: RPG
Last modified: Jul 24, 2006
TI-83+/SE BASIC Games
TI-84+/SE BASIC Games

Shell: None (Recommended to play through MirageOS)
Rating: 9 (Best Download)/10 based on 1 votes.
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Author(s): Chu

File Description:  (Check out the readme for information on updates!)

In this fast paced RPG for the TI-83 Plus (SE) and TI-84 Plus (SE), you are a young girl of seventeen years named Vufen who is supposedly destined to bring peace to the world by overthrowing the powerful Lord Okejim. To succeed in the quest, Vufen must travel around the world to overthrow Okejim's provincial governors. Once all is quiet in the surrounding earth, Vufen must run to the already expecting Lord Okejim's castle and challenge him to a duel of magic and brute force to determine the fate of the world!

-=Included Files=-
VUFEN.8xp (the game)
VBATT.8xp (the battle engine)
VINSTALL.8xp (the Installer)
PIC1.8xi (a picture needed to run the game)
VUFEN.8xk (the flash application of the game created by using Basicbuilder 2.0 by Martin Warmer)

Note: Please install the game before playing by running program VINSTALL on your calculator first! Also remember that, if you have an important picture already stored as Pic1, recall it and store it to a different picture so that the game can run properly.

It is recommended that you archive the program "VUFEN", but you leave program "VBATT" unarchived and then play the game "VUFEN" through MirageOS.

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