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Banchor: The Hellspawn v1.00

File Information
Name: Banchor: The Hellspawn v1.00
Filesize: 130 kB
Downloads: 487
Date added: Feb 5, 2006
Platform: TI-86
Language: Assembly
File Type: Game
Category: RPG
Last modified: Feb 5, 2006
TI-86 Assembly Games

Shell: None
Rating: 0/10 based on 0 votes.
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Author(s): James Vernon

File Description:  Banchor is a huge Zelda-type RPG for the TI-86! You take control of the heroic Rex, as he ventures on a mammoth quest to rescue the kidnapped Princess Sapphira and destroy the evil demon from Hell, Banchor. Upgrade your weapons and defenses, increase your life level and meet many people along that way that will help you in your quest! If you are a lover of RPG games, this game will keep you entertained for hours!

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