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The Infinite Tower v1.0

File Information
Name: The Infinite Tower v1.0
Filesize: 18 kB
Downloads: 1973
Date added: Oct 13, 2002
Platform: TI-86
Language: Assembly
File Type: Game
Category: Platform
Last modified: Dec 15, 2002
TI-86 Assembly Games

Shell: none
Rating: 7.1 (Good)/10 based on 7 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Thibaut Chevalier

File Description:  This is a platform game in which you can only jump, i.e. you cannot stop the guy in its horizontal movement. You jump by filling a power bar, which determines the height of your jump. The screen can only go up, and if you fall at the bottom of the screen, you lose. The game is endless (the tower is topless) but there is a highscore table so the goal is to make the higher score as possible.

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