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Windows Utility Programs


Download (180 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 470
  Platform: win
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
The z80 Assembly Instruction Dictionary is a small, (well, not yet) program that can be used to look up important information about all of the z80 ASM instructions including: syntax, clocks, size, and what each instruction is for. This simple utility is a must for all ASM programmers, whether they are just starting out, or are seasoned gurus.

Download Program Launcher (12 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 710
  Platform: win
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
A very simple program that holds a list of program names that act as shortcuts. Program Launcher basically takes the place of any numerous desktop shortcuts you have.

Download SquirrelBox v1.3 (628 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 375
  Platform: win
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is an update to SquirrelBox. MANY bug fixes and new features such as unlimited dereferencing so that you can have "pointers" to other things (like in C/C++). I also fixed up the GUI by adding some buttons and key-accelerators so that you do not have to do everything from the menus, and there are also icons for everything.

For more information & resources visit:

Download TSC Sprite Converter (29 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 245
  Platform: win
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
TSC is a cross-platform program designed to easily convert BMP and TGA images to data suitable for use in TI C and assembly programming. It can convert color images to monochrome or 4, 7 or 8-shade grayscale data with a variety of output types and control of brightness and contrast. The program will also batch process images.

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