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| Voyage 200 Shells Assembly
KerNO v2.4 (137 kB) |
Rating: 7.7/10 (8 votes)
Downloads: 2474
Platform: 68k
Language: Assembly
Type: Shell
Category: Uncategorized | Description: The best way to describe KerNO is 'DoorsOS for NOSTUB programs' KerNO provides: Anti-Crash protection (Address Error, Illegal Instruction, etc...), ESC-ON to break out of programs that are not responding, DIAMOND-ON to turn the calculator off even when it is 'busy', Removes the ASM program size limits, ASM programs can return values in expressions. This release also speeds up the keyboard repeat rates. Supported Calculators: TI-89, TI-92p, and V200. |
KerNO v2.4 is Recommended by! |
Preos 0.70 (828 kB) |
Rating: 10/10 (4 votes)
Downloads: 2004
Platform: 68k
Language: Assembly
Type: Shell
Category: Uncategorized | Description: The best kernel (or "shell") for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium strikes back (Updated September 2004), 100% compatible with AMS versions up to 3.00 on HW1, HW2 and HW3. This kernel also comes with standard libraries, and the graphics library fully supports grayscale on all HW versions. Includes complete source code. Also features advanced crash protection. The libraries can be compressed and archived, but must be in the executable, current or system folders (It doesn't search anymore in all folders).You can also select the program to launch with SHIFT+ON when installing PreOS. It adds a 89 emulator for the Titanium. It has been successfully tested on all supported targets. It is distributed under the GPL. |
Preos 0.70 is Recommended by! |
Universal OS 1.30 (30 kB) |
Rating: 7.7/10 (4 votes)
Downloads: 2041
Platform: 68k
Language: Assembly
Type: Shell
Category: Uncategorized | Description: Very good kernel, although a little old. UniOS is very stable and has a decent anti-crash protection. It has all standard libraries embedded inside its installation file so you don't have to bother sending libraries to your calc. However, it takes 10 kb in ram so some very, very large or memory requiring programs may not run. Anyway, one of the best kernels. Embedded libraries are: Util, userlib, gray4lib, gray7lib (except on HW2), graphlib and linelib. |