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Voyage 200 Assembly Adventure Games
Assembly | BASIC | Flash

Download CalcRogue (941 kB)
  Rating: 7.4/10 (13 votes)
  Downloads: 4572
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Adventure
A roguelike game in the style of NetHack featuring complex random dungeons, quests, towns, five player classes, skills, spells, grayscale graphics, high scores, and compressed saved games.
CalcRogue is Recommended by!

Download Super Mario 68K (755 kB)
  Rating: 8/10 (31 votes)
  Downloads: 23637
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Adventure
Super Mario 68K is a grayscale Super Mario game for your calc. The game are highly animated with beautiful graphics and smooth scrolling backgrounds. There's a LOT of different kinds of monsters, ranging from the classic goombas and turtles, ghosts and hammer bros, and even Bowser! and many, many more. Also, 3 different kinds of bosses are resent. There are many kind of powerup's to aid you in your quest, like the Mushrom, Fire Flower, Extra Lives, the Racoon Suit and many more. Did i mention that you can even fly in this game? The game also has an overworld map for each of the 8 worlds with features like mushrom houses, two different mini games, airships, boats, castles and much more! There is a lot of secrets and hidden areas in the game, so there will always be new places to explore! A warp zone is also included! With 3 save slots you can save your progress, and continue from the same spot later. More than 70 exiting levels through 8 worlds will give you many hours of game play. There is also a level editor, so you can even make your own worlds and levels.
It also has configurable keypresses.
Super Mario 68K is Recommended by!

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