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TI-85 Assembly Sports Games
Assembly | BASIC

Download Baseball '99 1.1 (17 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 289
  Platform: 85
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Sports
A fun game, based on a TIGER electronic game and a game by Bill Nagel, in which you play baseball. You can participate in a season, play an exhibition game, or play in a homerun derby. It has nice graphics and play control.

Download NorthCal Fishing (4 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 228
  Platform: 85
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Sports
NorCaL Fishing implements a realistic fishing environment into it's gameplay. It features an adjustable DRAG reel setting from 0-4 and a LINE OUT gauge that determines how far out the fish is. It also takes into account the direction that the fish is pulling the line.

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