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TI-83+/SE Chance Programs


Download Card Probability Assist Program (249 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 268
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Chance
It is recomended you read the .pdf file BEFORE RUNNING THE PROGRAM. There are no screens to be shown, but there are screens in the pdf - like that helps... The program is 100% Graphical, but not 100% bug free. The program will crash if you run the program without following the guide. Yes, the .pdf keeps in contact with the prog via wireless communication, top secret. Just Kidding. The lists the program uses are stated in the guide, as well as everything else you just about need to know.

PLEASE NOTE: This program is an assist program. This program is NOT AN INDEPENDANT PROGRAM. IT IS RECOMENDED TO HAVE THE FLASH APP 'Prob Sim' ON YOUR CALC. THE GUIDE USES 'Prob Sim' IN ITS STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS. The lists the prog requires are in the guide. The Flash App is not yet included in the zip file, nor will it be in the future.

Download D&D (2 kB)
  Rating: 4.3/10 (8 votes)
  Downloads: 1221
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Chance
This D&D program has two dice rollers with no limit to the number of sides and a REAL stat generator that takes 4 numbers between 1 and 6 and subtracts the lowest one, displaying 6 of them for easy viewing.

Download Lottery! (3 kB)
  Rating: 6/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 456
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Chance

This is a lottery program that has all of the freedoms of going
to the corner gas station and getting a ticket to see if you have
won millions of dollars! You can have it pure random for your
numbers or you can pick your own, favorite numbers to see if you
have the "midus touch". Once you get your numbers, i sugest the
person that is controlling the lotto should have some kind of
written proof of the persons numbers (i suggest a signature on
a piece of paper). There are 4 catigories to choose from; Pick3,
Pick4, Little Lotto(5 #'s), and Bonus Ball Lotto(6 #'s)
. Once you have your numbers, it is all up to thecontroller
how he is going to organize the lotto. This is a very
open program so you can make up many rules on what to do.

Have fun with this and good luck!

Note: I am not liable for any illeagal gambling or mishaps assosiated with this program. You assume full responsability with any acts connected to it. Read the README for mor info

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