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TI-83 Assembly Puzzle Games
Assembly | BASIC

Download Crates 3D 1.1 (308 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 403
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
Crates 3D is an original puzzle game in which you must guide yourself through a three-dimensional world of moveable crates to the exit. You can view the world from four different angles. The game comes with 16 standard levels, and a level editor is included so that you can create your own.

Download Elements 1.0 (19 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 312
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
Elements is a puzzle game in which you must guide yourself to the exit before you run out of energy. There are 7 boards with a total of 46 screens, containing one-way arrows, keys, bonuses, traps and various switches.

Download Labyrinth 1.0 (12 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 436
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
Labyrinth is a game in which you must find your way through 16 randomly-generated mazes. Each maze is rendered with a different graphical style, and there are two modes of play: maze and antimaze.

Download Laser Mayhem 1.1 (85 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 324
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
Laser Mayhem is a puzzle game based on Laserstrike for Windows by Kevin Ng. You must fire and move lasers to manipulate the different on-screen objects in order to get a clear shot at the iris, which you must shoot twice.

Download LIDS 1.1 (5 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 259
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
There are four types of pieces that will be mixed up all over the board. The object is to rotate regions of the board until the various pieces are isolated in the four quadrants. There are only 5 regions you can rotate so it can get tricky.

Download Minesweeper (2 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 484
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
This is a minesweeper game where you have to clear off the screen without picking a mine.

Download Minesweeper 1.1 (2 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 501
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
A nice minesweeper game. This program contains 20 levels for you to weed through.

Download Puyo Puyo (10.7 kB)
  Rating: 3/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 664
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
Puyo Puyo for the TI-83 is based on a Japanese puzzle game. The object of the game is to connect pieces together in sets of 4 or more, and create chain reactions. As the game goes on, there are obstructions that fall in your way. For those of you who are tired of tetris, try this puzzle game.

Download Slide Puzzle (1 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 319
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
A slide puzzle where you have to get all of the numbers in the correct order.

Download Slippy (3 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 299
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
A puzzle game where you are a penguin and you must get all the dots in order to win the game.

Download Stranded (17 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 307
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
A fun game in which you are attempting to find petrol for your car. However, you must go through a series of puzzles to accomplish this. A well made game.

Download Tetris (2 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 1991
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
A nice Tetris game. Doesn't have a drop key or a linkplay mode like

Download ZTris 1.1 [Venus 2.x] (11 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 774
  Platform: 83
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Puzzle
Simply the best 1 and 2 player Tetris game for your calculator. (successor of the famous ZTetris)

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