Author Statistics For Calculator Freak
Calculator Freak is ranked #40 in total downloads with 18732 Calculator Freak is ranked #57 in number of files with 5 Calculator Freak is ranked #64 in downloads this week with 3
File | Section | Downloads | Rating* | Week | Army XP | TI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game | 6379 | 3.12 (25) | 1 | Explorer | TI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game | 1157 | 6.50 (8) | 0 | Nibbles | TI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game | 4495 | 6.50 (8) | 1 | OrlandoBloom | TI-83+/SE - BASIC - Program | 1054 | 5.72 (18) | 0 | PrgmJoke | TI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game | 6021 | 7.26 (15) | 1 |