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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ TI-86 ASM programmer for BBC Basic port?

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Posted: 16 Dec 2009
14:54 GMT
Total Posts: 1
Since BBC basic's app is simply a shell for the program that runs on the cpu, and both the ti-84 and 86 are z80 processors, if someone writes a shell for bbc basic on the 86, it should function fine. Also, the source code for the shell is available, but it might be written in flash, as it is an app on the 84. Also, since a great deal more ram is available on the 86, as well as the extra part most asm games use, as well as pterodactyl, that could be used for swap space. Of course, you could just have the Shell have a ton of zeroes at the end for space as well. I would write it, but I'n afraid I have no knowledge of ASM programming. Please Reply Soon!
Posted: 16 Dec 2009
22:00 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Because there no flash ROM exists on the TI-86 (no archive), there is no place for such an application.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).