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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ Program help?

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Posted: 24 Sep 2007
18:24 GMT
Total Posts: 3
I am trying to make a prgm, in which adds to the quad program.

I want to add a graph option on it so people could see it easier.
I found that storing something into the Y1 function doesnt work, and I can't input things to the graph..
So my question is how can i input something in a program to graph it?
Posted: 25 Sep 2007
08:52 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Make sure that you are inputting the formula into the Y1 function, not just the result. I like using strings to do this.
I forget the command to show the graph but I know it's pretty self explanatory when you see it.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 25 Sep 2007
20:12 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
DispGraph is the 4th option on the I/O programming menu.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).