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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Help me install pokemon red!

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Posted: 1 Oct 2011
19:28 GMT
Total Posts: 1
First of all, I'm new to this "calculator programming" stuff, so sorry if I can't understand the notation and jargon you guys use.

Ok, so I'm trying to install pokemon red (from here:'s called ""), but I'm having some issues installing it. According to the instructions, I should send "PKMNRED" to my RAM, and pretty much everything else to my archives. But when I right click "send to ti-device" for PKMNRED, it won't let me send it to my RAM, it'll only let me send it to my archives. What am I doing wrong? I'm using a TI-84 plus, by the way.
Posted: 2 Oct 2011
21:58 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Yeah, that works. Then, once everything is on your calc, unarchive PKMNRED.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).