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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Noob user: A few questions

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Posted: 20 Feb 2011
19:50 GMT
Total Posts: 1
I've purchased a ti-89 titanium this past week; upgraded from a ti-83 silver ed. I've had for 7 years.

I was trying to send .86 oriented file types and couldn't transfer the program (ASM file) and was provided with "incompatible file type" when trying to send the file with TI-connect. How does one make these files compatible for the ti-89ti?

Also, I tried installing PreOs 1.0.7 on the calc (as recommended) and apparently went through the wrong steps. I had to clear all of my RAM as a result. Any help with installing this program would be greatly appreciated or suggestions to a program that is "better" would be much appreciated. Also, Steps to properly install above mentioned program, ghostbuster and the new hw3 patch. Seems there is a cascade of installation processes.

I mainly use my calculator for physicsII (1214). Any suggested apps or programs would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Posted: 25 Feb 2011
11:34 GMT
Total Posts: 39
I assume when you say you sent ".86 oriented file types" you were refering to transfering files made for the ti-86 and you're trying to put them on your Ti-89t.

First of all, there are three groups of calculators in TI's universe, they are divided by the type of processor under the hood of the calculator. These three groups include: the Z80 (calculators running a z80 processor, like your old 83 silver, and the TI-86), the x68 series (calculators running the Motorola MC68000 processor), and the NSpire (Anything with an 'NSpire" in it's name). Generally, programs are transferable inside of these groups (Ti-83+ <-> Ti-84+), with some reservations (Different memory allocations and such).

However, one cannot transfer programs between the groups, because they run different processors and OS (it would be like trying to run an exclusively windows program on a MAC pc). Even if you got the program on the 89+ it couldn't be used constructively. Running it would cause any number of issues.

As for compatibility, don't go looking for it. You're really not going to find something of the sort. The only way it would become compatible is if the person(s) involved in making the program were to completely remake the program.

Hope this helps you, with this part anyway.

Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions