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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Second graph, with one function.

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Posted: 19 Feb 2008
15:42 GMT
Total Posts: 2
I am new here, but I have a big problem, my teacher doesn't know the anwser either. When I have a function and I go to graph to see it, it have a second line, as you can see:

I know how I got it. I have tried to give X a domain. I tried the following function: 5 [equals and grater than sign] X [equals and grater than sign] 1. I think it should plot a line from 1 to 5, but it plot a line from infinity to 5. It didn't worked.
But now am I stucked with that second graph. The only way I know to get rid off it is by clearing the ram completely, or to put a new version of the OS on it (what basically clearing ram is.)

Can somebody help me with this? Does somebody has a less dramatic solution?

Greetz, Jeej.
P.S. When you try it, it is on your own risk.
P.P.S. You can say it when I make Grammer faults, I'm from The Netherlands, and my languages aren't that good...
Posted: 19 Feb 2008
16:16 GMT
Total Posts: 375
Man, I don't know, thats complex...
Posted: 19 Feb 2008
16:46 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Whenever you try to graph a list, it graphs the function once for each existent list element. Y={X,2} would graph Y=X and Y=2. Looking at your screenshot, you're probably getting graphs of Y=ln(X)/(2-ln(X)) and Y=ln(Xe2)/(2-ln(X)).

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 20 Feb 2008
08:24 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Hmm.. You are correct haveacalc. That was the problem. I didn't saw the {} part. I have tried before to get for X a domain (and it worked), but that time I was realy stucked with another graph.

Well, thank you very much :-).
Posted: 20 Feb 2008
14:52 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Graph ln(X)/(2-ln(X) from 1≤X≤e2:
Y=(1≤X and X≤e2)-1ln(X)/(2-ln(X))

Was that what you were trying to do?

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).

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