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General Discussion Board \ Game and Program Discussion \ form a team? preposterous.

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Posted: 2 Oct 2007
17:32 GMT
Total Posts: 583
actually not really.
i was thinking of forming some sort of team. we could do calc stuff, but mainly im thinking of working with computer coding. hmm
anyone interested?
more importantly
anyone interested in trying out my feaux 3D third person shotter?
1337H4kor already got an email of it
i need testers...
because while i think this game is cool (i also made a map editor for it, in basic XD)im thinking of using the skills i learned from this 4 day project (no lie) and making something bigger and better. something less arcade ish.
im getting that fever again...

Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.
Posted: 2 Oct 2007
20:14 GMT
Total Posts: 612
I'd like to join team. Now i was just wondering what sort of computer coding and how advanced because when it comes to Javascript i can barely do more than simple guess and check programs.

I wish i could swim in the sea of probabilty but once during my life.
Posted: 2 Oct 2007
20:34 GMT
Total Posts: 583
i was thinking more C++
learning together kinda thing
i know a minute amount

but right now we can focus on calcgames
you know any assembly?

Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.
Posted: 3 Oct 2007
03:32 GMT
Total Posts: 235
I just stated learning c++ in school as an independent studies program so i don't much yet - I am force to use os X at school and have not completely got c++ to work at home wit eclipse but could def be a tester and would love to get on board because this is the main goal of my ind. Studies program "Create a large or contribute to a project" pretty much work on or help with a large program that isn't just the "fraction calculator" stuff that you have to learn first - you have to know the simple stuff first i know but in the end i want to be a part of or make something that is important not just some piece of crap program that everyone else in the class made :) good news im the only on in my class :)

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 3 Oct 2007
06:43 GMT
Total Posts: 583
you talking about making a calculator game, or a computer game

Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.

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