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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ f(x)+g(x) program??

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Posted: 2 Oct 2007
17:25 GMT
Total Posts: 1
anything to solve these kind of math problems?
Posted: 2 Oct 2007
20:11 GMT
Total Posts: 612
Yeah well you know you could always just use the calc for that. Like for example i'm guessing that your using a TI if it's no higher than a TI 86 then this is what you'd do.

Here is your way to start function i'll be doing it on the TI 83 family.

f(g(x)) this is how you would do on calc.

f(x) = X^2+3
g(x) = 3X

first you'd enter the f(x)

Y1 = (Y2)^2+3

Next you'd enter g(x) in Y2

Y2= 3X

But to make sure calc doesn't graph twice. Move the cursor over the "=" and then press enter.

It will graph the equation and you'll be able to see all limits on they domain and range.

Now actually solving it i have no idea. Especially inside of a programming matrix. Now if you'd like to solve the way that i said then it'd work but other not so much. I hope it helped you.

I wish i could swim in the sea of probabilty but once during my life.
Posted: 3 Oct 2007
11:54 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Learn to sove it by hand. Trust me you will need to know how.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 4 Oct 2007
19:12 GMT
Total Posts: 583
course he does
everyone does
how come everyones so obsessed with the calculators anywho
its best to do it by hand anyway cus if you dont use paranthesis sometimes, and we can think of stuff that would take immense and huge algorithms for the calculator to think up equationally

Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.

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