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General Discussion Board \ Site \ News issues

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Xero Xcape
Posted: 8 Apr 2007
16:12 GMT
Total Posts: 29
Old April Fools news had that "April Fools" background

No dates on news

No "discuss" button for news that I can see

BASIC flames are for n00bs, you don't want to be a n00b do you? | My other calc is a Porsche.
Posted: 8 Apr 2007
16:18 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
That's why I still only go to the original CalcGames site.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 8 Apr 2007
16:29 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
You're right about the news. The news has just kind of sucked ever since we switched to the new login system. The only place to discuss news is, and even then, you have to figure out how to log in to the old login system.

That's something we need to do, it will just require a lot of messy/annoying/time consuming programming to switch over to the new system, and that's why I'm procrastinating it.

You can't complain too much, though - we don't really post a lot of good news these days anyways.

The April fools background will most likely not be returning. It doesn't work well with different font colors (if we were to do it to the current april fools news, it would make the article unreadable on

-Barrett A
Posted: 8 Apr 2007
19:15 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
Ok, the threaded news discussions have been added. I'm sure there are a few topics in the news forum that don't belong. If you see any, let me know. Also, if you have any recommendations for the design of the front news page(s), let me know.

I have yet to have it display the time... I have to learn how to parse it using php first (never done it before with the time format that we use in the database... i've only done it with perl).

-Barrett A
Posted: 8 Apr 2007
19:39 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
ok, time is displayed...

remember that i am open for new display formats... I'm fine with what i did, but i'm sure there's a better way to display things (the layout, colors, etc...)

-Barrett A

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