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Posted: 1 May 2002
17:29 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
hey Z, as you have probably noticed i added a forum for the news articles. what i need you to do is come up with a way to tag each news article with a number, this number will get added by 1 each news article, and there will be a link at the bottom of each article for discussing the topic. as you can see there is a specific number for each link to each topic, for example, the link to opened! is
opentopic&topic=1&forum=News see topic=1? that's where the number tag of each topic needs to go, so Tankers is getting buffer would be
opentopic&topic=10&forum=News (topic=10) understand what i'm trying to say? phat, this'll make for some people wanting to come to our site.

Edit: idea: keep whatever number of news items that have been posted in a file somewhere in the cgi-bin, and add 1 each time a news item is posted, and use that number for the Discuss link. Also, it will need to make a new topic with the Subject whatever the news item's name is, and a body of 1 space. if i'm not clear then i'll try to make it and you can help me with some of the functions i'll need to use.

[Edited by Barrett on 01-May-02 20:34]

-Barrett A
Posted: 1 May 2002
19:29 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Well B, I'll still need to make a Perl script for this because JS can't read/write files. That's a nice idea, though you'd still have to create topics by hand. Anyways, I'll look into this next weekend coz I'm pretty busy during the week. Ty for the update B.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 1 May 2002
19:32 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Hey, from my discoveries, it's actually pretty easy to make my news script create a new topic in the News forum. As said above, I'll look into it this weekend. Cya

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 1 May 2002
20:34 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
aight, thanks Z

-Barrett A

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