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General Discussion Board \ Site \ Forum Update - Beta Version

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Posted: 15 Nov 2003
20:06 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
It didn't look like anyone noticed this post in "upcomind update" topic, so I decided to port it as a new topic. This isn't really a beta, more like a new feature testing grounds so that any possible bugs don't interfere with the official forum.
Okay, the updates is SOOOOO close!!!We have a running beta (link is below). Please go ahead and check it out. Test out all of the new features and please let me know what you think or if you find any bugs/typos. We want the update transition to go as smooth as possible, so its important for all the updates to work correctly.Also, the test forum is temporary, so don't post anything you want to keep or work hard editing your profile since none of the temp board will transfer to the official one. Also, those who registered before today will have a temp account at the test board. Though, I'd appreciate if some folks can take the time and sign up for a dummy account on the test board to make sure everything works find. I did however tested everything many times and everything seemed to work but I may have missed something.Alright, enough talk and here's the link: UPDATE BETA

Edit: Just to mention something, all updates we've been asked for and everything we decided to add are there. If for whatever reason you don't see something you asked for added in, it maybe that we decided not to include it or will work on it later. Feel free to ask and comment though.

[Edited by zkostik on 16-Nov-03 05:07]

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 16 Nov 2003
16:19 GMT
Total Posts: 739
It seems really nice. Thanks for showing us in advance.

Anyways,I was wondering if you wanted to use my site as a temporay Sort of? Since the site will be down . . .
Posted: 16 Nov 2003
20:09 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Thanks (itd take more time to move and setup the site on a new server than the time to update the forum ;D ), but the site will only be down for about 10-15 minutes. Many will not even notice the short downtime. I setup the temp forum to prepary everything for the upgrade. So, when we decide everything works fine, we'll run a db conversion tool to update the user db's, move forum files and update paths and it'll be made into the official forum :).
I'm off from work this wednesday, so upgrade will most likely happen then. Till wednesday, pls try out all the feats and make sure they work properly. Thanks for helping out with testing btw.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 16 Nov 2003
23:08 GMT
Total Posts: 146
Woah! It is just what we were complaining about for the past two months, only it is real! it is the most magical place on earth!
Posted: 18 Nov 2003
14:45 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Hahahahahahah. Haha.

Yep! Sounds great! 15 mins? Oh too bad, thought maybe I might finally get traffic . . . .


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