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je suis quoi je suis
Posted: 31 Mar 2005
12:15 GMT
Total Posts: 22
In the forum could you guys add a program ideas topic kinda like ticalc has (even though its barely ever used for that) I know it wouldn't have many but I am tired of coming up with ideas for programs and starting them and then finding out they already exist. And when someone comes up with the idea someone else who wants (and can) to take up that idea posts on the forum that theat idea has been taken.

It's just I am the least creative person I know. I can't come up with any ideas. I can expand on them and make them better I'm good at that but I just can't think of anything original.
TI Freak
Posted: 31 Mar 2005
14:38 GMT
Total Posts:

I know what you mean. It took me forever to come up with the TI-City idea, because I knew that text RPGs had been done, but not in the manner that I am now doing them in. I have always found that you just need to look at what kind of game, or show, or movie, that you are interested in (genre) and create a game based on that. It has sorta worked for me... :)
Posted: 31 Mar 2005
16:38 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Or you can take a game that exists for the ps2 or some other game station and make something like that for the calc.
Posted: 31 Mar 2005
16:45 GMT
Total Posts:

If you want to give an idea, feel free to post about it somewhere on the forum. If you need any, you should also post. Most people here would be nice enough to help out.
je suis quoi je suis
Posted: 1 Apr 2005
08:51 GMT
Total Posts: 22
OK then I'll post

I need an Idea for a program I can make on a calculator would someone please give me one
Posted: 1 Apr 2005
10:26 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Be a little more specific, at least post the genre of game you'd like an idea for and possibly any ideas you've had on the subject thus far.
Posted: 1 Apr 2005
17:34 GMT
Total Posts: 428
webwartry this..... that might be good.....

Na + H2O = Keanu Reeves........WOW

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