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Posted: 2 Apr 2005
12:56 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
I would just like to thank the users who have been diligent in reviewing files lately. Reviews really adds quality to the archive and helps users make better decisions when downloading files. Thanks again, and keep it up-
Posted: 2 Apr 2005
17:29 GMT
Total Posts: 199
lol I just wrote a review an hour ago for one of Morgan's files. I think its fun (and its faster than at, but I guess Jon is still getting to his assistant)
Posted: 2 Apr 2005
19:02 GMT
Total Posts: 321
*wonders which program I made was possibly fun*

Thanks though!
Posted: 2 Apr 2005
19:06 GMT
Total Posts: 214
what about me? What did i do? It's so fun rating my own files and being all serious. So don't think I'm crazy when you see Jonny23451 and then contact me at Same person, just having fun rating my files, cuz i doubt people really read them, unless they really wanna c wut the game is about and wut other people say. Some are intersting though... Oh and the reason why a lot of my files are out there right now is becuase I just discoverd this site.

[Edited by Jonny23451 on 03-Apr-05 05:14]
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
06:20 GMT
Total Posts:

You should probably write in your review that you are the author, just so that people know that it is your own opinion at their first glance. If you don't make that clear, it is considered to be bad etiquette.
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
08:33 GMT
Total Posts: 199

I meant reviewing is fun. Your programs are useful, wouldn't exactly call them fun. Actually, I wrote a review for Trig Solver.


You shouldn't really review your files. Read what Z said two years ago:

"Hey guys, we appreciate all of your input but I'd like to mention some DO's and DONT's as far as all reviewing goes. Reviews are now reviewed by the administrators, so don't expect your review to show up unless you follow these guidelines.

> When writing a review, make it look good. Don't make it look sloppy. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
> Constructive criticism is welcomed for all files, including ones made by the team (Tankers, SAS, etc.). Please don't write flames. Flames make people feel bad and are insulting. All flames will be removed and your account will most likely be terminated.
> Don't write a review if you have nothing to say about the file you're going to review.
> Although it's allowed, it's best you don't review your own files, but rather let others do so. It may take some time, but it will be a more correct description of what others think of your file.
> Justify the point score you give a file you're reviewing by filling out a comment field. This will let file's author know the weaknesses of their program and will provide them with info for improvement.
> Comment field if your general review field. Make your review as long as you like, but we prefer you keep concise and focused on the file you're reviewing."

These guidelines are good to keep in mind. It's more authentic if we review other people's files =)

[Edited by greenorange on 03-Apr-05 17:43]
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
10:36 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
I'd review files, but I often find myself too busy to download/test/review programs. In my mind, that takes alot of effort :) .
TI Freak
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
10:42 GMT
Total Posts:

I would review files, if I wasn't so busy trying to get my projects updated more...
Posted: 3 Apr 2005
17:31 GMT
Total Posts: 214
hmm...Well does n e one besides greenorange write reviews? lol o well. I think everyone should write reviews. :)
TI Freak
Posted: 4 Apr 2005
06:18 GMT
Total Posts:

And I will, once some of projects get closer to completion. :)
Posted: 4 Apr 2005
07:01 GMT
Total Posts: 1390
I think I wrote a review for Doom 83 a while ago and at I reviewed Codex, Contra and Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator v.1.0000069... oh dude you got to see the reviews for WFRNG here :) :
Unfortunately I dont have much time to review files for now, I might review more later

--- - The most active TI calculator programming team around and a massive RPG selection
Posted: 4 Apr 2005
07:16 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Yes, everyone should write reviews but not everyone has the time for that.
Like said in my review post, you can review your files but that's not recommended (as quoted a few posts above). That generally why you have a file description and should generally speaking review your file there. If we were to disallow review by file's own author, we could just modify our script.
We decided to just let people review as many files as they want. Even if they review their own works, this is already something and is obviously better than no reviews.

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