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General Discussion Board \ Site \ This forum hates me

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Posted: 7 Dec 2005
19:12 GMT
Total Posts: 97
A note to whoever runs this forum. Dude, you seriously need to get a REAL forums system. This thing is terrible! It does not support BBcode, and is terrible when you try to use HTML. I know you probably put a lot of effort into integrating it into your website (that part looks great), but I am becoming convinced that your forum software hates my guts............:)

I actually run a forum myself:

I'm currently using SimpleMachines forum software, but I also have a copy of the latest version of Invision Power Board as well.

I love the design, structure, and set-up of the site. Really, I's just that I can't live without being able to use BBcode.....:)

I just realized that Teemz forum software is Perl-based. Just curious: do you have PHP and/or MySQL installed on your server? :)

[Edited by stephendonnelly88 on 08-Dec-05 05:45]
Posted: 7 Dec 2005
20:46 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
Thanks for the compliments, personally, we love teemz, even if half of the code is our own now. :)All html works fine except for certain tags that have no usefulness in a forum anyway, so I'm not sure where your concern lies. What features are you missing?

Edit: We also have a newer version of the site that is being made, well, was made, not much work is being done anymore, everyone is rather busy. :\

[Edited by allynfolksjr on 08-Dec-05 05:49]
Posted: 7 Dec 2005
20:51 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
About perl based, the forum was (and still is to some degree), flat text file based, since then the userfiles have been switched to mySQL, and all the new features use perl/mySQL. Why perl instead of PHP, you ask? Because Barrett loves perl, and mananged to convert me. A small amount of code is in PHP though, but usually just for fun.
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
11:42 GMT
Total Posts: 507
i dunno, i like the forums...

i was a bit shocked by the lack of BBcode, but i've grown to like it...

so long as you dont use naughty tags or try to break the forums, Teemz is pretty good stuff...
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
12:40 GMT
Total Posts: 214
a forum is a forum :). Nothing to it.
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
15:32 GMT
Total Posts: 97
Well, I certainly do not mean to appear as though I'm being critical towards your really is very efficiet, don't get me wrong......

I'm just used to the fancy features of Invision Power Board and the like.

They have features such as:

>You can send attached files in Personal-Messages.
>You have advanced moderation systems.....several levels of moderators (each with certain privilages).
>You have nice little "extra" features such as a "notepad" to store personal notes or favorite/commonly-used URLs in.
>A forum-wide calender system.
>BBcode (this is a biggie for me....)
>More avatar options. I'm used to being able to upload virtually any size of avatar, and let the forum re-size automatically for me. No need to make sure it fits the size of one of the options from a list of usable sizes.

Perhaps Teemz does, in fact, actually have many of the featuresI listed, and you administrators just have those features "turned-off".

Just my humble thoughts, anyways...........:)
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
17:12 GMT
Total Posts: 939
Teemz is old. :) Back before those were popular features, so it probably doesn't have them.

But at least we have general forums! Be glad for that! (I'm looking at you ticalc!)
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
17:25 GMT
Total Posts: 192
what is the huge advantage of bbcode isn't it basicly HTML whith '[]' instead of '<>'?
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
19:34 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
Oh, we have multiple user levels, finally. There's regular, moderator (forum specific), global moderators (these are new), and administrators.
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
20:12 GMT
Total Posts: 97
Dude, don't be offended by this, but.....I really have to chuckle: Even PhpBB has more features than this does! :-D

Of course, way too many people have non-modified Phpbb boards that are in dire need of personal customization. You folks have done a superb job it customizing Teemz software to fit the rest of your website. It really does go together well, and I'd even say Teemz was probably the best choice for doing what you have done........ :)
Xero Xcape
Posted: 9 Dec 2005
03:12 GMT
Total Posts: 29
hmm... but we also have awsome features! like if you go to make a post you can type where it says "Post a Reply"

and isn't there some little JS applet you can link to to run BBcode as HTML? (I mean like you set the link and have the BBCode be the end of the link, and this is userside)

BASIC flames are for n00bs, you don't want to be a n00b do you? | My other calc is a Porsche.
Posted: 9 Dec 2005
04:45 GMT
Total Posts:

BBCode isn't THAT useful, and this kind of forum gives the site a truly personal touch. Also,

>>You folks have done a superb job it customizing Teemz software to fit the rest of your website.<<

is an understatement. In all seriousness, you should sell the scripts to Teemz if you could.
Posted: 9 Dec 2005
07:28 GMT
Total Posts: 97
I'll be honest with you.......I have a bias towards PHP-based forums. I guess I really have no reason for it, but I've just always used PHP.

This would explain why I had never heard of Teemz bb-software until I came here.

Yes, I agree bb isn't that usefull, but I'm lazy, and Teemz is the FIRST forum-system I've ever heard of that does not support bbCode. It's just usually allways a standard feature of most systems. :)

Also, I noticed that members can't create Polls in new threads.

[Edited by stephendonnelly88 on 09-Dec-05 18:07]
Posted: 9 Dec 2005
14:59 GMT
Total Posts:

No, because so many polls would be annoying.
Posted: 9 Dec 2005
18:43 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
You can make your own impoll
Posted: 9 Dec 2005
19:12 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Yes, PhpBB does have more features but we are not trying to score in as many features as possible, probably something more like avoid having unneeded features. Things like notes and PM file attaches would have been cut out from the forum anyway as they are often used to share stuff that shouldn't be shared (thus having ability to get us in trouble). As with notes, most people come here for downloads or questions not really a hangout like they might on certain forum or portal sites.

Each site serves a specific purposed to its creator and users and not necessarily needs to have everything it could possible have, of course there are such sites but I honestly don't think we're one of them.
I'm not trying to defend Teemz nor the efforts we've put into it, afterall, it's a 3 year old system that has been worked on to meet specific needs. We've had many feature requests and some were implemented while others were tossed for a variety of reasons.

Personally, I don't like smileys all that much and not really a big fan of pictures and avatars but times change and these features were implemented and are used by people. I don't like the PhpBB or Invision systems because they have far too many features, in my case they confuse me when I'm looking for some specific setting or something of that sort. This is a case of overdone redundancy which is more liekly to confuse many people rather than excite them. I know people that are forum geeks and they live and die by their favorite forum sites but CG is a site manly for newbies and those who seek calculator help and simplicty and integration is our main goal which I think is safe to say we were able to meet or perhaps even exceed.

I'm not someone known to force views onto others but you stephendonnelly88, need to look at our system from our perspective and from perspective of majority of our visitors, not yours as a skilled forum user. Then maybe you'll see what I'm trying to convey here. If not then sorry, this is how things are here and they work as intended.

Basically, the morale here is that there's a specific goal-solution deal here and it relates to our site's specific need not some more-features-is-better scheme. It's all relative man, all relative.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 10 Dec 2005
04:09 GMT
Total Posts: 235
ok while i am in favor of phpbb forum i think that this topic is only going to lead to people starting to flame each other. I may like more features but as stated above this borad has a set goal not to wow the user (not a bad thing) but to get the info to the user. I will not say which way i lean more to but I do hang around this forum for a few reasons first it isn't filled with idiots (debateable i guess but for the most part it's not) that post just to get a huge post count i think that it is good not to show a post count and "rank" (elite-super-poster) cause as we know Posts/=Knowledge also this forum meets it's needs. as i can tell the admins have done a great job based on what they started with.

sidenote: are we suppose to start posting on the new forum?

Ps: just a thought stop this before people get mad if ypu understand what i mean

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 10 Dec 2005
07:50 GMT
Total Posts: 939
I don't check the new forum, and I doubt many other people do either, so no.
Posted: 10 Dec 2005
08:25 GMT
Total Posts: 95
I really dont care what forum system a site uses unless I am a webmaster of it.
I like Teems (which is this forum)
I like Invison Free (which is what CalcHaven is)
I like phpBB (I use that for my forum)
So wheather or not people dont like the fact that these forums have less features than more fourms it still works and people still come here CG has been on the web for I dont know how long and this is the first time someone complained.
In My Opinion I dont care what forum system anysite uses As long as it will work and post and let me read.

RuneScape FTW but calcs were my first love O_o
Posted: 12 Dec 2005
13:36 GMT
Total Posts: 97
"No, because so many polls would be annoying."

No offense, JcCorp, but this is purely your own opinion. You can't say that "something should be a certain way" purely because it annoys you.

Often times, polls in threads keep people from posting uneccesarily. Instead of expressing their views or positions in a post, they simply add their vote to the poll.

PhpBB is okay, but the newer "soon-to-come" (it's been "coming soon" for over two years now) is even better. If they ever release the next version, it will really give IPB and vbulliten a run for its money.

I've managed to install the half-working CVS version that is avalible from the the PhpBB website. It's very impressive.

IPB is still my favorite. Contrary to what you may have heard, it is in no way "free". and are the only two websites licensed by IPS to offer any free version of IPB v2.0. And even then, niether website has the full version of IPB v2.0 --- it's incredibly scaled dowm.

Luckily, I managed to obtain a copy of IPB v2.0 final from the IPS website before they shut off the full-trial-version. Eventually, I intend to install it onto my website. :)
Posted: 12 Dec 2005
13:37 GMT
Total Posts:

Um, it IS free if you can find it on other sites. I was lucky enough to find one of those other sites.
Posted: 12 Dec 2005
13:40 GMT
Total Posts: 97
that is called "distributing illegal copies of the software". Go to, and read their Terms of service. It is illegal to distribute any copies of the software. Only copies distributed directly by IPS or one of its authorized affilates is legal.

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