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Posted: 17 Dec 2004
17:35 GMT
Total Posts:

I'm sure you're all just itching to find out what I've been working on.

Okay. Maybe not.

A short list of stuff I'm working on:

Graphical/text RPG with a cool intro scene I'm working on. Expect transformation spells, cool animation, and all sorts of good stuff. But no wandering. Just text that tells you where you can go.

I have a decent BETA demo, email if you want it. One-on-one jet fighting against computer with nice graphics, cool title screen. Expect a lot more.

Another RPG, this one is one I'm helping Archon with. Features full movement. This is really one that will take a while.

-BobGame3 and BobGame4 and BobTest
Actually, my little brother wanted to make a game, so I told him to make BobGame4, and he was delighted. (He knows little BASIC outside of menus, Pause, and Disp, so I'm helping him a lot). BobGame3 has Bob lost and trying to get home. Bobtest tells you how much you are like Bob.

[Edited by JcCorp on 18-Dec-04 13:50]

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