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Posted: 26 Apr 2003
21:41 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Well, too bad for me. Today at work I was cutting a carton open and my boxcutter slid off of it and made a pretty 3in by 1/2 in and 1/2in deep cut on the side of my leg and it was bleeding like crazy. Thanks god it didn't hurt at all. Well, I got into local hospital like 20 mins later and they fixed me up pretty quickly. Now I'm a proud carrier of 12 stitches on my leg. Hopefuly it'll heal well and don't leave a long arse scar there. So yeah people, when you use dangerous things, don't let yourself fell lazy and try not follow basic safety. Don't think that you know everyhting and something bad won't happen to you. Always do things the right way and be on the safe side. That's my word for you guys. Keep it safe and don't end up like me. :(

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 26 Apr 2003
22:21 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
ouch, sorry to here that
Posted: 27 Apr 2003
21:12 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Yeah, that sucks. At least that darn thing doesn't hurt at all. But yeah, my doctor said they'll take off stitches in just 10 days, so I'm trying to be optimistic. :)

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 28 Apr 2003
07:18 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Man that sucks. Your lucky you had no pain. Heal soon, the only other person that need to be injured is B, then all the admins will have something more in common :-)
Posted: 24 May 2003
21:54 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Wow that really sucks. Call it a battle scar ;) and impress your co-workers. Seriously though, Hope everything turned out allright.

I recently got injured too. Some jacka** threw something at my eye, and damaged my right eye some. It hurt like heck when it first hit me. Popped 2 blood vessels, and made a couple holes in my retina. One blood vessel did nothing, but the other was in my iris. It mixed blood in my eye, and made everything appear cloudy and yellow through my right eye, and caused unnecessary pressure against my eye. The blood is gone now, but the damages on my retina are forcing me to go to surgery on Thursday.
The good side of it is that the doctor ordered me to do literally nothing until tuesday. He even told me to try to not look down.

[Edited by Billy on 25-May-03 06:55]
Posted: 27 May 2003
07:28 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Thats even worse! Good luck during surgery.
Posted: 27 May 2003
23:56 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Injuries suck, the funny thing is that many time they could have actually been prevented. Maybe we should all just be more careful or something.

To Billy: Gosh, that sucks. You should like sue this guy man. He'll be paying you for life. :) Yeah, gl with surgery man. Hope it goes well and doesn't make things worse coz eyes are very delicate things.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 28 May 2003
16:43 GMT
Total Posts: 260
I could sue both my school (it was on school property during classtime) and the guy responsible, but court is a waste of time, and I have no intention to sue. Besides, I go to a private high school, and I doubt they have didly. ;-)
Surgery is tomorrow. I talked with my doctor, and he said that he's going to inject novacaine near my eye to numb it. I think that it's kinda an odd thing to do, but whatever.
Your right Z, it could have been prevented if I went down to the weight room that day, instead of staying upstairs...

BTW, How's your leg doing? Healed allright?
Posted: 28 May 2003
18:39 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Dude, do get some time and do sue the guy. People need to think before they do things. Do as you will, but your surgery will cost you a lot of money and you may still have some damage left on your eye. Why should you take care of all that when it was somebody elses fault?

Yep, my leg is fine. It healed up pretty nicely, there's still a small dent where wound was and its still a little red, but it sure looks a lot better and it coverd with some skin already. Also, stitch hole almost came off now. In short, I'm doing pretty good and I hope you'll be alright too.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 30 May 2003
00:03 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Well surgery went ok. Getting novacaine near my eye was strange. Since it numbs your mucles, you can't control your eyelids. Even when your eye is opened (forcedfully), everything is PITCH BLACK through that eye. It also made my forehead numb for a while lol.
I am using my eye as an excuse to push back tests at school. A cheap, but efective, way of giving me time to actually read the books/study for the tests.
Glad your leg's fine.
Posted: 30 May 2003
09:46 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Sounds like everything went fine. BTW that is far from a cheap excuse. Are you haveing fun with no depth perception?
Posted: 30 May 2003
15:03 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
lol, good point Dig.i'm glad surgery went fine, but this is no way a cheap excuse but a serious thing.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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