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Posted: 3 Nov 2004
14:02 GMT
Total Posts: 1005
Well, it would appear that Hon. Mr Bush will remain as our president and Commander In Chief.
Posted: 3 Nov 2004
16:17 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Yup, seems like so... Btw, did any one of you peeps who are registered go and vote?

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 4 Nov 2004
04:19 GMT
Total Posts: 321
I that it made a difference in my highly liberal state. Well its not as liberal as California or Ney York...
Posted: 4 Nov 2004
09:36 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
I voted
Posted: 4 Nov 2004
15:22 GMT
Total Posts: 29
I can't vote yet, but I'm so glad that Bush won!
Posted: 4 Nov 2004
18:52 GMT
Total Posts: 260
I voted bush, but being in NY I knew the ballot was just as wasted as if I voted nader. It's because of NYC...
I knew he'd win over Kerry, because of the way Democrats campaigned; which was poorly. Plus their economic policies were horrid.
Suer there were things I didn't agree with on Bush, but overall he was the best candidate.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I was tempted to Vote Nader. Why? Because of the two things Bush is pushing really pisses me off, and Kerry 's economic plans were awfyul, and he had no plans to deal with Iraq whatsoever. Among other things.

[Edited by Billy on 05-Nov-04 03:53]
Posted: 5 Nov 2004
13:25 GMT
Total Posts:

I can't vote. But if i could, i would've voted either kerry or a pity vote for nader (lol), simply cuz I'd rather have anyone in office than Bush. The man has a 95 IQ! That's not the reason, but I thought I'd bring that up.
Posted: 5 Nov 2004
16:34 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
No offence, but the only difference between Bush and Kerry is their height. They're both seem kinda dumb and Kerry wasn't even sure what he was going to do if he became a prez. Voting for Nader was only to not vote for Bush or Kerry but its pretty much the same waste of ballot as voting for the main two guys. Oh well... I won't go into politics any further coz I don't want any flame wars in here. I'm fine with Bush as long as he doesn't do anymore stupid things (but he probalby will).

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 6 Nov 2004
05:49 GMT
Total Posts:

I never really trusted Kerry. I also think that Nader should be president for 1 day cuz he's trying so hard. lol
Posted: 6 Nov 2004
22:35 GMT
Total Posts: 321
I didn't trust Kerry either. There is no doubt that he would have raised taxes, he is a domecrat..thats what they do :-) Anyway I say just give Bush a chance to finish what he started.

However I would really like to see a third party, maybe libertarian or something pop up and be just as popular as the other two. Two is not enough.

[Edited by Morgan on 07-Nov-04 20:07]
Posted: 9 Nov 2004
21:22 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Had I been 18, I would have voted for Kerry. A pity Bush won again.
Posted: 10 Nov 2004
11:35 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Since you mentioned Nadar, he's the one who's actually most likely done the most to help the Capitalist system we use in America.
He's a smart man, and has the credentials to tackle the job. The problem is that not too many people support third parties. It's a fact, and that's history telling you that.
Somebody mentioned taxes with Kerry. He specificallly said he would raise taxes - for those making 200K plus. The problem is that people don't realize how much they're taxed already. I mean just somebody making 100K loses roughly 50% of their income to the government to begin with. And then as you go up the ladder, you're screwed out of more of your income, so high incomes really doesn't matter quite as much as people think. And then having it more heavily taxed, it smushes them. Besides, not that the raising taxes thing was quite as awful as his idea to get magical money for providing medical care to everyone. He mentioned not only higher taxes (which is a given), but he included stating he was to take money out of the federal reserve in order to do so. What the heck is he thinking?
Sure medical care for everybody would be a good thing, but in today's society it is too expensive for our government to deal with rightg now. (And yes the price of medical care is the fault of politicians and society and can be solved).
But I've ranted enough...

[Edited by Billy on 10-Nov-04 20:37]
Posted: 10 Nov 2004
19:39 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Thanks Billy, what you've just said is exactly the kind of things that were going thru my head. Nader is indeed probably the only one with brains from the prez cands, though voting for him was as much a waste as voting for Bush or Kerry because there was no way Nader would have won this election. Its too bad though.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 17 Nov 2004
13:54 GMT
Total Posts: 25
If I would have voted, it would have been for Bush.

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